Coexistence & Electromagnetic Compatibility (CEMC)

Research foci
- Simulation and Model Based Design, to recognise problems of an electronic based system in the field of EMC at an early stage in the design process.
For being able to execute this estimation by simulation of the EMI, we do the following modeling activities:
- Find procedures to model single components:
- Active components (transistors (SiC, GaN, Si, etc.), Diodes, …)
- Passive components (capacitors, coils, chokes, shunts, filters, …)
- Biasing of the components (high currents, high voltages, etc.)
- Printed circuit boards (PCB)
- Housings, connectors and connector systems
- Cable- and cable harness modeling (e.g. automotive cable harnesses)
- Current bars
- Standardised EMC setups
- Power Integrity and Signal Integrity
The usability of the models has to exceed the functional range, to meet the needs in the simulation of EMC.
- Applied complexity reduction in the models and simulation setups
- Lab measurements for the verification of the models with high standards
- Creation of test setups for verification & validation
Research competencies
- Creation, validation & verification of EMC mature simulation models
- Modeling and modeling procedures in different complexity levels: 3D models, circuit level models up to mathematical models. Reduction of the complexity of the models
- The field of Electromagnetic compatibility demands a broad spectrum of knowledge.
- These fields are Radio Frequency (RF) & Microwave, power electronics, electrodynamics, electronics, but also Wireless Communication and Numerical Analysis. We have the theoretical knowledge and can apply it in practice.
- Knowledge in standards and regulation of EMC
We have the expertise as well as the commercial licenses for the following software tools:
- Ansys tool chain
- Keysight Pathwave tool chain
- CST tool chain
- Mathworks MATLAB
One of our strengths lies in the high grade of automation of simulation, e.g. by scripting the above-mentioned tools in Python.
The verify & validate the results of the simulations on every level of complexity, we have extensive lab facilities:
- EMC and RF measurement possibilities, e.g.:
- EMI spectral measurements
- Complex signal generation (I/Q data streams, …)
- Complex vector network analysis
- Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR)
- Highly precise impedance analysis ranging from Hz to several GHz
- Characterization of magnetic materials used in power electronics
- Prototyping systems for power electronics in combination with the EMC lab possibilities, also for high power.
- Procedures to pre-estimate EMI of a power electronic system by simulation.
- Characterisation of components for modelling of EMC mature models (active and passive components) including biasing (high currents, high voltages).
- Modeling of EMC testing procedures and setups, e.g. Bulk Current Injection (BCI) test method with parametrisable models of the cable harness following ISO 11452 including execution of the tests in the lab.
- Characterisation and modeling of automotive cable harnesses
- Clarification of coupling mechanisms of EMI in existing electronic based systems.
Project highlights:
Your contact person

DI Dr. Bernhard Auinger
Head of Research Unit Coexistence & Electromagnetic Compatibility (CEMC)