Accessibility Statement

Information in accordance with the Web Accessibility Act.

Accessibility Statement

This accessibility statement applies to

This website is run by Silicon Austria Labs GmbH. We want as many people as possible to be able to use this website.

Technical information about this website's accessibility

We are committed to making our website accessible, in accordance also with the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018.

Compliance status

This website is partially compliant with the EN 301 549 “Accessibility requirements for ICT products and services”, the European Standard and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.1 AA standard.

Non-compliance with the accessibility regulations

  • C. - Some non-textual content presented to you do not have an equivalent textual alternative that serves the same purpose;
  • C. - In some cases, information, structure or correlations conveyed by the presentation of pages cannot be determined programmatically (or are not available through text);
  • C. - In some cases, color alone has been used to identify a purpose or distinguish an information or function;
  • C. - Where not allowed, visual representation of text and images containing text does not always have the minimum contrast ratio required ***;
  • C. - Some texts, except for subtitles and images containing text, cannot be resized up to 200 percent without using assistive technologies and without losing content and functionality;
  • C. - In some cases text images have been used instead of text only and are neither customizable nor essential to the types of information conveyed;
  • C. - Content that does not require a representation in two dimensions (such as data tables or maps) does not rearrange when resizing;
  • C. - For some essential components, even in different states, the color contrast compared to adjacent elements does not exceed the ratio of 3:1;
  • C. - In some cases, when mouse pointer (hover) passing or keyboard focus make content visible and hidden, there is no mechanism available to hide additional content without moving the mouse pointer or keyboard focus, the pointer cannot be moved to additional content without disappearing or additional content remains visible until the hover or focus event is removed, the user deletes it or his information is no longer valid except for some exceptions;
  • C. - Some features cannot be activated by keyboard (or similar input interface);
  • C. - Some animations, flashing, sliding or self-updates of information started automatically, with a duration of more than five seconds or presented in parallel with other content, there are no mechanisms to stop or hide them;
  • C. - There is no mechanism to skip content blocks that repeat on multiple web pages;
  • C. - In some web pages that can be browsed sequentially and in which the navigation sequence affects their meaning and functioning, some objects that may receive the focus do not receive it with an order that preserves the meaning and operation of it;
  • C. - The purpose of certain links cannot be determined by the link text or by the link text together with adjacent content;
  • C. - Headers and/or labels do not sufficiently clarify content or functionality;
  • C. - On some interactive elements the focus indicator is not visible;
  • C. - In some pages, the language is not defined;
  • C. - In some cases no labels or instructions are provided when the content requires input actions by the user;
  • C. - In some cases, user interface components (including: module elements, script-generated links and components), name, role, state, property and values are incorrect or set, or the user a.t  are not warned when these attributes change;
  • C. - In some cases state messages are not presented to the user so that a.t. interpret them without having to move the focus;
  • C. (PDF) - In some cases, information, structure or correlations conveyed by the presentation of documents cannot be determined programmatically (or are not available through text);
  • C. (PDF) - Where not allowed, visual representation of text and images containing text does not always have the minimum contrast ratio required ***;
  • C. (PDF) - Some documents do not have titles that describe the topic or purpose;

In addition, none of the PDFs on the website are accessible in accordance with the PAC standard.

There is no description in plain language and, if necessary, a variant in sign language.

b) Disproportionate burden 

Making the PDFs on the website accessible and creating the declaration on accessibility in plain language currently represents a disproportionate burden. They are therefore an exception.

c) The content does not fall within the scope of the applicable legal provisions

A version in sign language is not mandatory.


Creation of this accessibility statement

This statement was created on 28/06/2024.

The assessment of the website's compliance with the WZG for the implementation of the requirements of Directive (EU) 2016/2102 was carried out in the form of a review in accordance with WCAG 2.0 at conformance level AA in December 2019. The home page, an overview page, a news page, the search and the search result were reviewed. Individual page content is regularly checked by the web editorial team when new content is published.

This statement was updated on 28/06/2024.

Feedback and contact details

The offers and services on this website are constantly being improved, exchanged and expanded. Usability and accessibility are very important to us.

If you notice any barriers that prevent you from using our website - problems that are not described in this statement - please contact us.

Please send all messages and suggestions to Please describe the problem and provide us with the URL(s) of the affected website or document.

Silicon Austria Labs GmbH
Sandgasse 34
8010 Graz

Enforcement procedure

In the event of unsatisfactory responses from the above contact option, you can contact the Austrian Research Promotion Agency with Limited Liability (FFG) by means of a complaint. The FFG accepts complaints electronically via the contact form.

Contact form of the complaints office

The complaints are examined by the FFG to determine whether they relate to violations of the provisions of the Web Accessibility Act, in particular deficiencies in compliance with accessibility requirements, by the federal government or an institution attributable to it.

If the complaint is justified, the FFG must make recommendations for action to the federal government or the legal entities concerned and propose measures to remedy the deficiencies.

Further information on the complaints procedure

Member Area