Chief Executive Officer
Corporate Bodies and Boards
Management & Structure

For appointments or urgent matters please contact:
Elke Riedler
Executive Assistant
Tel: 0664/88515653
Heads of Research Division
Supervisory Board
The Supervisory Board of Silicon Austria Labs began its work on January 10, 2020. The supervisory board sees itself as a link between management and shareholders, and accompanies SAL with knowledge and expertise on the ambitious path to a top European research center for Electronics and Software Based Systems.
DI Anton Plimon
Chairman of the Supervisory Board
DI Dr. Klaus Bernhardt
Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Henriette Spyra, MA
Mag. Christa Bock
Ing. Gerd Holzschlag
Mag. Ingrid Rabmer
Mag. Markus Hornböck
Land Kärnten
Prof. Robert Weigel
Mag. Gudrun Bruckner
Chairwoman SAL Works Council
Dr. Christian Hofbauer
SAL Works Council
Mag. Alexandra Ortner
SAL Works Council
Andreas Primoschitz
SAL Works Council
Scientific Advisory Board
The Scientific Advisory Board consists of seven people, who provide advice to the research center through their international experience in science & research and the management of research areas, which are also covered by SAL's research program. The advisory board provides strategic advice on the scientific profile and organizational development of SAL and supports the further development of the center.
Mag. Michael Wiesmüller
Prof. Dr. Clivia Sotomayor Torres
ICREA Barcelona
Academia Europaea
Prof. PhD Kim G. Larsen
Aalborg University
CISS, Zentrum für eingebettete Softwaresysteme
Jean-Rene Lequepeys
Dr. Elisabeth Steimetz
VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmH
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Fettweis
TU Dresden