Corporate Bodies and Boards

Management & Structure

Researchers in a lab
turquoise-black banner with network

Dr. Christina Hirschl

Chief Executive Officer

Portrait Isabel Tausendschön

Dr. Isabel Tausendschön

Chief Financial Officer (CFO)


For appoint­ments or urgent matters please contact:

Elke Riedler 
Execu­tive Assis­tant
Tel: 0664/​88515653

Heads of Research Division

Dr. Jürgen Kosel

Head of Re­search Divi­sion Sensor Systems

DI Dr. Thomas Buchegger

Head of Re­search Divi­sion Intel­li­gent Wire­less Systems

DI Alfred Binder, MSc

Head of Re­search Divi­sion Power Elec­tro­nics

Portraitfoto Mohssen Moridi

Dr. Mohssen Moridi

Head of Research Division

Portraitfoto Willibald Krenn

Dr. Willibald Krenn

Deputy Head of Division
Embedded Systems

Portraitfoto Aya Cohen

Aya Cohen, MAS

Head of
SAL MicroFab

Supervisory Board

The Super­vi­sory Board of Silicon Austria Labs began its work on January 10, 2020. The super­vi­sory board sees itself as a link between manage­ment and shareholders, and accom­pa­nies SAL with know­ledge and exper­tise on the ambi­tious path to a top Euro­pean re­search center for Elec­tro­nics and Soft­ware Based Systems.

DI Anton Plimon

Chairman of the Supervisory Board

DI Dr. Klaus Bernhardt

Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board

Henriette Spyra, MA


Mag. Christa Bock


Ing. Gerd Holzschlag


Mag. Ingrid Rabmer


Mag. Markus Hornböck

Land Kärnten

Prof. Robert Weigel


Mag. Gudrun Bruckner

Chair­woman SAL Works Council

Dr. Christian Hofbauer

SAL Works Council

Mag. Alexandra Ortner

SAL Works Council

Andreas Primoschitz

SAL Works Council

Scientific Advisory Board

The Scien­tific Advi­sory Board consists of seven people, who provide advice to the re­search center through their inter­na­tional expe­ri­ence in science & re­search and the manage­ment of re­search areas, which are also covered by SAL's re­search program. The advi­sory board provides stra­tegic advice on the scien­tific profile and orga­niza­t­ional deve­lop­ment of SAL and supports the further deve­lop­ment of the center.

Mag. Michael Wiesmüller


Prof. Dr. Clivia Sotomayor Torres

ICREA Barcelona

Academia Europaea

Prof. PhD Kim G. Larsen

Aalborg Univer­sity

CISS, Zentrum für einge­bet­tete Soft­ware­sys­teme

Jean-Rene Lequepeys


Dr. Elisabeth Steimetz

VDI/​VDE Inno­va­tion + Technik GmH


Prof. Dr. Gerhard Fettweis

TU Dresden

Member Area