Project OptiSens

In-situ testing requires various readings to be taken in the same location in order to detect any effects and separate them if necessary. The OptiSens project therefore aims to produce a cost-effective sensor for impedance, temperature and protons by printing. These innovative sensors enable cross-linking progress to be analysed in situ during the production of thermoset composites, in-situ impedance measurement methods to be established in the engineered wood and composites industry, and material properties to be monitored throughout their lifecycle. OptiSens sensors make wood and composite materials smart and enable their custom use in the manufacturing chain as advocated for Industry 4.0 by making information available that is critical to the materials. Furthermore, the sensors may provide a technology platform for a new sensor system in applications for measuring the vitality of living cells.
The consortium brings together an interdisciplinary team with expertise in the fields of chemistry, physics, biology, electronics, printing and device manufacturing as well as potential users. Also involved in the project are research institutes, companies, technology and component suppliers and developers.
The focus of the OptiSens project is to produce a cost-effective sensor for impedance, temperature and protons by printing. The innovative technology platform enables:
- In-situ analysis of cross-linking progress during production
- The establishment of the measuring technique in the engineered wood and composites industry
- Monitoring of material properties throughout the lifecycle
- Communication between the material, developer and consumer
- A new sensor system in applications for measuring the vitality of living cells.
- Name: OptiSens - Intelligenter gedruckter Sensor für in-situ Analysen – ein Sensor für Impedanz, Temperatur und Protonen
- Project leader: Kompetenzzentrum Holz GmbH (KWood)
- Duration: 09/16 to 08/18
- Project volume: €0.8 million
- Consortium: 10
- Kompetenzzentrum Holz GmbH (Leitung) • Silicon Austria Labs GmbH • Kästle GmbH • Doka GmbH • Prelonic - Ingenieurbüro Eibensteiner • Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Abteilung Physik der weichen Materie • Mondi Uncoated Fine & Kraft Paper GmbH • NOVOCONTROL TechnologiesGmbH & Co. KG • SiEDRU Druck GmbH • Theoretische Neurochirurgie - Kepler Universitätsklinikum LinzPartner: IPAC, TissueGnostics, Alpen-Adria University Klagenfurt
- Programme: COIN Networks programme line

Your contact person

DI Katja Harms
Scientist | Advanced Sensor & Electronics Technologies
Research program
COIN (Cooperation & Innovation) is an initiative launched by the Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy (BMWFW). The main objective of the COIN Networks programme line is to improve the capacity for innovation, the level and therefore output from Austrian businesses (in particular SMEs) by making use of national and international research, development and innovation networks.