Generation of entangled photon pairs from nonlinear metasurfaces

The project is focused on creating a new platform to produce a special type of light called quantum light by means of using very thin structures called metasurfaces, which can generate pairs of entangled photons with high efficiency. This advancement in technology has the potential to make quantum devices smaller and more practical for applications like secure communications and precise measurements.

The goal of this project is to develop the prototype of the source of spatially entangled biphotons based on a nonlinear metasurface. Toward this, we will uncover new physical phenomena and deliver high-impact outcomes, through three specific objectives:

  • Development of the metasurface design concepts for efficient generation of entangled biphotons at 1550-nm wavelength by spontaneous parametric down conversion (SPDC).
  • Nanofabrication of high-quality samples of nonlinear metasurfaces.
  • Demonstration of the prototype for a metasurface-based source of entangled photons.

Project facts

  • Title: Generation of entangled photon pairs from nonlinear metasurfaces
  • Program: Early Technology Development Activities
  • Funding Agency: European Space Agency
  • Project leader: Dr. Roman Noskov
  • Duration: 01.01.2024 – 30.06.2025
  • Financing: 350 k€

Your contact person

Dr. Roman Noskov

Staff Scientist | Integrated Photonics Technologies


Research program

The project received backing from the Early Technology Development program of the European Space Agency, a highly competitive initiative dedicated to fostering innovative ideas in the realm of space activities.

Member Area