Partner Call open until: September 19th, 2024

Project Start: September 20th, 2024


We will perform cutting-edge research on ultra-low power RF- and AMS building blocks for the next generation of wireless IoT chipsets, in particular non-cellular 5G NR+ modems. This expands the possibilities for smart, sustainable and green applications to an unrivaled extent.

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Non-cellular 5G NR+ solutions can offer high data rates, low latency and wide network coverage. The availability of cost-effective and energy efficient chipsets in the market will be crucial for smart cities, manufacturing, logistics and healthcare. The decisive factors for building blocks are power consumption and size on chip to realize novel use cases and reduce costs.

Expected results

  • LNA with exceptional low Noise Figure
  • ADC
  • Power Management
  • Design for ultra-low power consumption and smallest size on chip

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