Aluminum Tube Inspection

Partner Call open until: August 26, 2024

Start of the project: September 2024


The focus of the project is to analyze inner and outer defects of aluminum tubes and to identify and evaluate new inspection methods.

decorative image, close-up of camera lens

In the manufacturing process of aluminum tubes, various defects can occur on the inner surfaces. Some defects may also become visible on the exterior of the tube due to the thinness of the material. A combination of optical inspection systems could detect these defects early in the production process, conserving material, energy, and time, and moving towards zero-defect manufacturing.

Detailed objectives include:

  • Characterize the various types of defects with state-of-the-art optical inspection methods.
  • Optimize the parametrization of existing inspection system.
  • Evaluate novel inspection approaches towards their applicability to the application under investigation.

Expected Results

  • Improve the level of automatization of the parametrization of the existing inspection system.
  • Gain in-depth knowledge about variations in production materials quality and process optimization.
  • Evaluation of new sensor technologies.

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