
Light blue lights going from one place to another, like a net
turquoise banner with networks

The 6th generation of wireless communication - 6G for short - enables the transmission of large volumes of data in nearly real time, while at the same time providing high reliability. This key technology thus plays an essential role for wireless "machine-to-machine" communication in industry, which requires high speed data transmission with low latency. At the same time, the connections must be extremely resistant to interference in order to replace wired communication, even in safety-relevant areas. This is to be ensured with the current generation of wireless communication (5G) and even more so with 6G.

Currently, the necessary fundamental research for a market launch of 6G starting in 2030 is beginning to form internationally. At Silicon Austria Labs in Linz, research is being conducted on essential "enabling technologies" for 6G. A new feature of 6G will be the targeted use of artificial intelligence with AI chips and algorithms to reduce the complexity, costs and energy consumption of future applications.

Research Focus

  • RF- & Analog IC Design
  • Embedded AI
  • Wireless time-sensitive networking
  • 5G Testbed


DI Dr. Thomas Buchegger

Head of Research Division
Intelligent Wireless Systems

Dr.-Ing. Jörg Hauptmann

Head of Research Unit
Frontend Integrated Circuits & Systems

DI Dr. Hans-Peter Bernhard

Head of Research Unit
Wireless Communications


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