The deposition of thin film piezo materials like PZT with its high piezoelectric coefficients and strong electro-mechanical coupling is essential to support production of tomorrow’s smart sensors and actuators in applications like Ultrasonic Transducers (pMUT), micromirrors and inkjet heads. Developing robust manufacturing processes that control optimal crystalline growth, film stress and uniformity are all key to delivering the PZT films needed by MEMS foundries and IDMs. That’s exactly what Silicon Austria Labs has set out to do with recent investments in new manufacturing capability.  

The Research Unit Microsystem Technologies at SAL in Villach is installing new CLUSTERLINE® 200 thin film deposition equipment with an innovative new PZT deposition module for 200mm wafer processing. SAL and Evatec scientists will cooperate closely carrying out deposition and film performance characterisation measurements.  SAL’s Mohssen Moridi, Head of Research Unit Microsystem Technologies, commented: “ The acquisition of this new deposition system enhances the capability to support our industry customers with a whole range of new thin film processes on a tool mirroring what they have in their own production halls.  We are excited to complete installation of the tool with engineers from Evatec Europe’s local organisation and expect to deposit the first films in our new PZT module in Q4 2021”.

Christina Hirschl, Head of Research Division Sensor Systems and Site Manager at SAL in Villach, is excited about the expanded offer for industry: "We are pleased to have an absolutely innovative tool in-house that offers unique processing possibilities and which we would like to develop further together with Evatec. Not only global players in the semiconductor industry will benefit from this, but we can also offer unique coating technologies as a service to small and medium-sized companies."

Evatec’s Head of BU Semiconductor Silvan Wuethrich commented: “SAL’s core interests in advancing production technologies and processes across Advanced Packaging, Power Devices, MEMS, Wireless Communication and Optoelectronics are a perfect match for Evatec. We look forward to “fast tracking” new PZT processes together as a first step in our collaboration”.


About Evatec

From HB LED lighting for our automobiles to Face Recognition technology for our mobile phones, designing and building the best thin film production solutions is our daily business. Evatec know-how gives our customers the lead across a whole range of applications in the semiconductor, optoelectronics and photonics industries. Our coating technologies enable deposition of new materials, bring advanced process control for new levels of film performance and come with innovative system engineering for the lowest production costs.

Media Contact: Allan Jaunzens,  | +44 7802 784406|

About Silicon Austria Labs GmbH

Silicon Austria Labs GmbH (SAL) is a top European research center for electronic based systems with loca­tions in Graz, Villach and Linz. SAL conducts research in the areas of Sensor Systems, RF Systems, Power Electronics, System Integration and Embedded Systems and creates solutions for climate protection, health, energy, mobility and safety. SAL brings together key players from industry and science and thus valuable expertise and know-how and conducts cooperative, application-oriented research along the value chain. Cooperative projects are co-financed by SAL and enable a quick and unbureaucratic project start. SAL is there­fore helping to estab­lish Austria and Europe as high-tech busi­ness loca­tions and embodying the motto "UNFOLD THE FUTURE".

Media Contact: Isabella Preuer, +43 05 0317 100