Together with our partners Technische Universität Berlin, Vectoflow GmbH, Airbus, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), University of South-Eastern Norway (USN), Clean Aviation, German Aerospace Center (DLR) and USound GmbH, we are developing microphones for aeroacoustic measurements. These microphones can significantly increase the environmental performance of an aircraft, such as reducing noise emissions and making airplanes more efficient. With this project, we are contributing to sustainable air travel and a clean sky.

Highlights of AEROMIC in 2021

We asked some of our partners what they worked on in 2021 as part of the project and what they particularly enjoyed about it:

Vectoflow GmbH
"During the last year we developed a testing procedure for the MEMS microphones and are soon going to test the first prototypes in our wind tunnel. The constructive and helpful atmosphere in the discussions between the project partners has made working for AEROMIC an all-round enjoyable experience."

TU Berlin
"In the last year we continued our work on developing different advanced micro- and nanosensors. We are one of worldwide leaders in this field. One of the sensors is the high-sensitive piezoresistive acoustic sensor, which is also used in the AEROMIC project. We have developed not only the sensor but also an innovative packaging concept for the sensor array here in Berlin. We have also realized some new sensor concepts that show their excellent performance for aerospace applications, such as piezoelectric, ultraflexible foils. In addition, we have also developed a quantum sensor concept, which is also very promising."

"The UC3M team has designed signal conditioning electronics for new generation PZT MEMS microphones. Our designs integrate available COTS and overcome their limitations as single subsystems to meet the demanding specifications of AEROMIC applications. Three prototypes for PZT MEMS and PR MEMS characterization have been delivered and the proof-of-concept prototype for PZT MEMS arrays is coming soon. The programmed DAQ is ready to acquire the signals from the AEROMIC microphone arrays."

"We worked on the Aluminium nitride (AlN) film depositions by using a sputtering machine, the key process parameter was identified for high-quality crystal orientation. The device design was finalized recently. We have finished the design of the fabrication process flow and are now working on the mask design."

"Reducing noise is critical for aircraft manufacturers. They must comply with strict regulations to protect airport neighborhoods from aircraft noise and keep the cabin as quiet as possible to provide the best travel experience for passengers and flight crew. A first and critical step to reducing noise is understanding the various sources of sound. One of the best solutions is to perform acoustic measurements on the aircraft fuselage. Nevertheless, the microphone itself must interfere as little as possible (very limited height), and it is important that the measurements can be made with two sensors very close to each other (small diameter necessary)"

Clean Aviation

"AEROMIC aims to develop novel miniaturized piezoelectric and piezoresistive MEMS microphones with characteristics that surpass the state of the art of aircrafts in terms of bandwidth, sensitivity, dynamic range and robustness. This is used to capture the unsteady pressure fluctuations below the turbulent boundary layer. The two MEMS microphones are expected to be optimized for the wind-tunnel testing and flight-testing applications. In the first year of the project, the first batch of piezoelectric MEMS microphones have been designed, fabricated, packaged and characterized."

Together with all partners in the CleanSky program, we will help aerospace achieve its sustainability goals - namely to be safe, economical and clean.

This project has received funding from the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 101007958. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and the Clean Sky 2 JU members other than the Union.

*Source: CO2-Ausstoß - Anteil des Verkehrs | Statista