SAL workshop with Great Resonance

On June 25, 2018, around 30 experts from industry and science met to discuss the topic of “EMCC at a higher level”. The SAL team, under the management of Dr. Bernhard Auinger, has since been working on the conception of the first projects, in order to set new standards in the field of electromagnetic compatibility.

What is EMCC?

The abbreviation “EMC” stands for “electromagnetic compatibility”. It describes the ability of electronic systems to not interfere with other electronic systems through galvanic (conductive connection), electrical, magnetic or electromagnetic effects and the ability not to be affected by other devices. At SAL, we have added another “C” to the acronym and added the term “coexistence” (EMCC = electromagnetic compatibility & coexistence). We are thus placing an additional focus on the ability of several electronic assemblies to coexist next to one another, which occurs when they are together within one system, without significantly influencing the performance of the other respective systems. We include wireless and wired systems in this definition of coexisting systems.

Objectives of the EMCC workshop

In order to meet the requirements of the different stakeholders with regard to electromagnetic compatibility and coexistence, and to guarantee efficient planning for intended cooperation, the SAL team invited them to a one-day workshop well attended by industry and commerce. At the same time, this served as the official start for the preparatory work in the field of EMCC. Workshop leader Bernhard Auinger carried out an anonymous survey of needs in advance, in order to identify the objectives of the participants and to include this in the planning of the workshop and the first cooperation plans.

EMCC first time right

A common theme was that both the modeling and the model-based design should be improved considerably for “EMCC first time right”. This would namely allow findings about the product to already be incorporated into the conception phase, without having to laboriously make many revised versions of prototypes.

What does SAL want to achieve in the field of EMCC?

“Our unique selling point is the provision of flexible and validated models for the conception and development of electronic-based and highly-integrated systems. To do this, it is necessary to simplify the design and to shorten the development time. We want to offer comprehensive support for our research partners, even with highly innovative problems. As a result of our know-how and the best equipment, we want to solve significant industrial problems," said Bernhard Auinger.

Next steps

The EMCC Lab is being set up together with the Institute for Electronics at Graz University of Technology. The first joint projects that have been created from the Workshop are in the definition phase. Further future partners are invited to contribute their ideas.

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