Beyond Today's Roads: The Future Automotive Systems Unveiled

Partner Call open until: October 2024

Project Start: Q1 2025

InnoTract Project

We are looking for innovative and ambitious companies all over the world to work on innovative automotive systems with us. The project centers on high-efficiency energy traction drive systems, encompassing inverters and machinery tailored for high-voltage (HV) batteries up to 1500V and introducing innovative onboard networks and concepts.

Decorative image, autonomous car with touch sensors in a futuristic setting


  • Implementing highly efficient converter designs for 12V and/or 48V onboard networks to maximize energy utilization and minimize losses.
  • Introducing novel connector technologies and passive device integration techniques to enable HV DC-bus up to 1500V, revolutionizing automotive power distribution systems.
  • Enhancing power density through innovative packaging approaches and substrate materials in traction inverter technologies, optimizing wide bandgap power device utilization for increased performance in electric vehicles.


  • International consortium comprising industrial partners along the value chain
  • Target:  ~ 10 Partners in the program
  • 4 years project duration
  • Universities and academic partners are eligible to participate (special contribution model applies)
  • PhD students within project possible - supervised by academic partners

Advantages for industry

  • Attrac­tive cofi­nan­cing: SAL covers 50% of the project volume, you only pay 25% in cash and 25% in-kind. Learn more.
  • Compe­ti­tive advan­tage: easier and quicker exploi­ta­tion of upco­ming products, by utiliza­tion of gene­rated IP
  • Risk miti­ga­tion: early targe­ting of tech­nical problems for an upco­ming market
  • Inno­va­tion: future tech­no­lo­gies and explo­ra­tion of emer­ging trends
  • Part­nership: coope­ra­tion in a pionee­ring and effi­cient eco-system
  • Performance: meeting the power and performance demand of future electrified vehicles
  • Charging time: enable even faster charging times and increase user comfort and flexibility

We are looking for you!

  • Machine / drivetrain manufacturer
  • Protection device manufacturer
  • Battery manufacturer
  • Connector manufacturer
  • Passive device manufacturer
  • Power semiconductor manufacturer
  • Truck / Heavy duty vehicle company
  • Automotive OEM
  • Railway company
  • Traction inverter manufacturer
  • Onboard charger manufacturer
  • Fuel cell manufacturer
  • Heat pump manufacturer
  • DC/DC manufacturer
  • Universities
  • Scientific partner

Further information about the call


Daniele Rossio, MSc

Business Development
Power Electronics

DI Alfred Binder

Head of
Research Division
Power Elec­tro­nics

DI Dr. Thomas Langbauer

Program Manager
Research Unit Architectures & Topologies
Power Elec­tro­nics

Member Area