- Projecttitle: SALSA
- Program: SCR
- Projectleader: Hubert Berger
- Projectconsortium: SAL, AVL List, FH JOANNEUM
- Duration: 2,5 years (since 2022)

The aim is to
- find solutions for the operation of a SiC converter with flexibly adjustable dV/dT values over a wide range,
- demonstrate the world's most compact three-phase grid inverter through optimal interaction of topology and control method, and
- demonstrate a highly compact three-phase resonant converter in the power range up to 120kW with switching frequencies of 500kHz.
Silicon Austria Labs GmbH is working on this project together with AVL List GmbH and FH JOANNEUM GmbH.
Project facts

Your contact person

Dr. Hubert Berger
Head of Research Unit | Instrumentation & Testing
e-mail: contact@silicon-austria.com