Modular Multi-Modal Proximity and Tactile Perception Skin (PATTERN-SKIN)

The project “PATTERN-Skin” aims is to develop a novel embodied bendable and potentially stretchable multimodal modular robot skin that provides robots with unprecedented sensing abilities facilitating contact-based/tactile and contact-less multimodal exploration of the world towards safe human-robot interaction.

PATTERN-Skin will create a complex network of different sensors, which requires going beyond the state-of-the-art by investigating new concepts and techniques on how to model, simulate, configure and integrate the sensors within the skin.

The application of the PATTERN-Skin in a variety of robotic scenarios will show the versatility of application. The skin will enhance the robot’s perception capabilities to generate reliable models of the world and their safety-aware interpretation for safe robotic motions. The sensors will be integrated in robotic simulation frameworks, thus extending the possibilities of robotic simulation.

More details on the project website:

Project facts

  • Title: PATTERN-Skin
  • Program: EFRE 
  • Project leader: Ali Roshanghias
  • Consortium: 
    • Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt
    • Joanneum Research
    • FH Kärnten
    • Silicon Austria Labs
  • Duration: 21 months
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Logo mit Text: REACT-EU als Teil der Reaktion der Union auf die Covid-19 Pandemie finanziert

Your contact person

Porträt Ali Roshanghias

Dr. Ali Roshanghias

Head of Research Unit | Heterogeneous Integration Technologies


Research program

The project is co-financed by the EFRE European Regional Development Fund, REACT-EU and the KWF. 

Member Area