- Title: Magnetic 3D tactile sensor
- Program: SAL Strategic Research (SSR)

The project “Mag-MEMS” aims at realizing a 3D tactile sensor proof-of-concept demonstrator integrating custom planar arrays of anisotropic magnetoresistive (AMR) sensors.
The following R&D activities are performed in the framework of the project:
- Design of magnetoresistive sensors via micromagnetic simulations
- Deposition and patterning of magnetic thin films for AMR sensor fabrication
- Characterization and testing of AMR sensor devices
- Integration of AMR sensors into microsystems
Project facts
Your contact person

Stefano Lumetti, PhD
Senior Scientist
Research program
“Mag-MEMS” is a SAL Strategic Research (SSR) project focused on the “Magnetic microsystems” and “Magnetoresistive sensors” research topics of the “More-Than-Moore” SAL Lighthouse.