The core mission of AEROMIC is to develop breakthrough microphone technologies to significantly improve the environmental performance of aircraft, for example reducing noise emissions. AEROMIC further aims to develop advanced digital microphones by leveraging the state-of-the-art microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technology for next-generation aeroacoustic applications, which will contribute to European competitiveness in the aviation industry.

Project Objectives

  • Reducing noise emissions
  • Establishing smart and sustainable air travel
  • Maintaining and protecting the natural environment
  • Improving human health
  • Post-pandemic economic recovery

Project facts

  • Title: AEROMIC
  • Program: Competitive research project
  • Funding Agency: Horizon2020/Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking
  • Duration: 30 months

Your contact person

Dr. Claire Bourquard

Senior Scientist | Piezoelectric Microsystem Technologies


Research program

AEROMIC is the only granted project in the MEMS field under the Horizon2020/Clean Sky 2 program, coordinated by SAL.

Member Area