Trustworthy Adaptive Computing

Important questions in our research are
- how to ensure the adherence to the intended function also when design assumptions do no longer hold,
- how to make a system’s observed data efficiently and dependably available in all the places required for the system to be able to make the right decisions, or
- how to ensure an embedded system’s security also in the post-quantum computing era.
Answering these questions with our research on "Trustworthy Adaptive Computing", we strive to enable trustworthy embedded systems – efficient, functionally correct, resilient, safe and secure.
Research Foci
- Efficient trustworthy computation
- Advanced signal processing with embedded computations - make observed data efficiently and securely available where required
- Post-quantum cryptography (PQC) – implementing efficient and secure PQC algorithms and hardware
- Trustworthy AI
- Fusing model-based/symbolic AI with learning-based/sub-symbolic AI and formal methods to enhance explainability and verifiability
- Resilience to disturbances (faults, uncontrollable external events), uncertainty (resulting from, e.g., limited observability), and novelty (changes in the environment)
Research Competencies
- Algorithms/AI
- time series analysis, e.g., predictive maintenance
- energy-efficient and high-performance (signal processing) algorithms
- Model-based diagnosis and reasoning
- Security, Verification & Validation
- Temporal logics, formal verification and methods, automata-based concepts
- Side-channel vulnerability analysis of electronics-based systems
- Software Technology
- Software Engineering: compiler construction, reverse engineering
- FPGA programming
- Novel hardware concepts for ultrasonic transducers, signal generators and signal processing in the analog and digital domain
- Intelligent battery management system for battery sharing of e-bikes
- Reverse-engineering and side-channel attacks on AI-Hardware
- Explainable AI through automata learning
- Distributed learning and data management
Your contact person

Dr. Willibald Krenn
Head of Research Unit Trustworthy Adaptive Computing