Katrin Unger is a mate­rials scien­tist and since November 2022, she is respon­sible for the Vali­da­tion Lab at SAL. She finished her PhD in tech­nical physics in April 2021 and oversaw the CVD re­search group for Solid State Physics at the Univer­sity of Tech­no­logy in Graz after­wards. Our ambi­tious Katrin bears many titles: From “Stei­rerin des Tages” and “Kopf des Jahres” in Economy and Science to winner of the “Women in Science” stipend for her work on “All-polymer tattoo sensors” – but also priva­tely, where she was Austrian Female State Cham­pion in the stra­tegy game Go. Besides all that there is still time for family trips with her two children, tinke­ring on a robot cat and playing badminton – of course as trai­ning for the Academic Cham­pi­ons­hips. Perhaps the next title to be added soon?

Check out her entire interview