Throughout August, the Johannes Kepler University invites students between age 6 and 14 to participate in the first Science Holidays, where they enjoy a varied and age-appropriate program consisting of workshops, seminars and excursions. The program, which always lasts for one week, contains topics such as natural sciences, technology, law, medicine, economics, social issues and biology. 

Julian Karoliny from Silicon Austria Labs, together with Philipp Peterseil (JKU) and the Institute for Communications Engineering and RF-Systems at JKU created a workshop (spanning 4 dates in August), created by Werner Haselmayr (JKU), entitled "Find the cow". The aim of the workshop is to introduce children to the topics  "Wireless Communication" and "Localization" in a playful way. The group learned how GPS works, why it cannot be used in buildings and which alternatives are offered.

The children had to use ultra-wideband modules to measure distance under various conditions and record their results. These measurements were then jointly evaluated in Python. Finally, an indoor localization was set up to hide a stuffed cow with an ultra-wideband module inside and then localize it. The Science Holidays were very well organized by the JKU and the students followed the workshop with interest and joy. 

Learn more about the JKU Science Holidays