Title: High power density onboard charger designed using new holistic simulation workflow
Program: SAL Cooperative Research (SCR)
Project leader: Christian Mentin
Duration: 3 years 5 months
The project aims to develop a highly compact, bidirectional 7 and 11 kW inverter as an onboard charger for e-mobility applications.
The Tiny Power Box has already won several awards and prizes:
SEMIKRON Innovation Award 2023
Title: High power density onboard charger designed using new holistic simulation workflow
Program: SAL Cooperative Research (SCR)
Project leader: Christian Mentin
Duration: 3 years 5 months
Here you can find all publicly accessible publications within the framework of the project:
DI DI Dr. Christian Mentin
Head of Research Unit | System-Level Integration Technologies
e-mail: contact@silicon-austria.com
Power converter from low to high power classes
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