
In the project ReWindT, optimizations are carried out for applications in the field of renewable energy with regard to the power electronic implementation as well as the associated control.
Wind turbines on a field at sunset

Within this project, we are developing a modular control platform for future power-electronic converters in the field of wind energy or grid-connected energy systems in general (e.g. storage systems). The aim of the project is to identify potential for improvement in the power electronics implementation and the associated control system as part of comprehensive simulation-based analyses and measurements on prototype systems (P-HiL environment) and to implement them with regard to the following properties:

  • Overall efficiency
  • Power density
  • Grid interference
  • Behavior in the event of a fault
  • Reliability and lifetime

Project facts

  • Title: ReWindT – Retrofit of Wind Turbines
  • Project duration: 30 months

Your contact person

portrait Heinrich Eickhoff

DI Dr. Heinrich Eickhoff

Scientist | Architectures & Topologies


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