- Title: GIRAFFE (Gyroskope für Autonome Flug- und Fahrzeuge)
- Program: Quantum Austria
- Project leader: Jaka Pribosek
- Consortium:
- SAL (Consortium lead)
- University Stuttgart
- Infineon
- 4ActiveSystems
- Beyond Gravity
- Cosylab
- Duration: 3 years

Projekt goals
- Proof of principle demonstration of improved gyroscope based on nuclear spins in diamonds
- Improved quantum protocols for angle-rate sensing using 13C nuclear spins
- Development of key components of a quantum sensor and the demonstrator
- Demonstration of NV center based gyroscope in ADAS applications
Project facts

Your contact person

Dr. Jaka Pribošek
Senior Scientist | Photonic Systems
e-mail: contact@silicon-austria.com
Research program
This project is funded within the framework of Quantum Austria by the Austrian “Nationalstiftung für Forschung, Technologie und Entwicklung” (National Foundation for Research, Technology and Development), the FFG and FWF, with support of the Federal Ministry for Science and Research (BMBWF).