- Project title: EU-TRAINS – Towards an Ecosystem of user-centric devices and services for multisport training and remote healthcare enabled by an Artificial Intelligence-based network of sensors
- Project coordination: Silicon Austria Labs (SAL)
- Project leader: Jörg Schotter
- Consortium: 18 partners from 9 different European countries
- Duration: June 2024 – May 2027

The main goal of EU-TRAINS is to promote remote healthcare and a healthy lifestyle at all ages and all levels by developing and improving wearable devices which track vital parameters, such as fitness tracking applications (watches, wristbands, etc.) and smart textiles with integrated sensors (headbands, swimsuits, t-shirts, etc.). By integrating body parameter sensors, microcontrollers, and data communication units into textiles and wearables, their functionality will be improved – even in challenging and harsh environments such as underwater. The data collected by wearable health devices can then be used for health monitoring by professional athletes, sport scientists, medical personnel as well as the general public.
By combing European strengths in the semiconductor industry, EU-TRAINS aims to enable a fully European value chain of semiconductor-based devices in different healthcare systems and to give Europe the competitive edge in wearable sensor-based health technologies.
Project goals:
- Improving textile integrated electronic systems for real-time monitoring of heart, respiratory and movement parameters on land and in-water through an interdisciplinary approach
- Developing semiconductor technologies which are able to withstand harsh ambient conditions such as salt fogs, chlorine, detergents, high and low temperatures, etc., and which allow for the re-use of micro-nano systems both in sports and in the healthcare sector
- Developing miniaturized wearable devices allowing the capturing of bio-chemical parameters such as lactate, glucose or electrolytes from sweat
- Equipping clothes with both measuring units and the edge-AI processors for peripheral data fusion and edge-cloud-continuum
Project facts
Your contact person

Dr. Jörg Schotter
Staff Scientist | Electronic Sensors
e-mail: contact@silicon-austria.com
Research program
This project is financed by the European Union within the framework of the Horizon Europe program.