In the project BECOME reso­nant conver­ters with planar trans­for­mers have been analyzed, which are required for the galvanic isola­tion of digital power ampli­fiers. They are used in diffe­rent test systems, where the galvanic isola­tion should not lead to any restric­tions in the dyna­mics of the overall system.
Simulation of a resonant converter

The project was there­fore prima­rily concerned with explo­ring the limits of feasible swit­ching frequen­cies in rela­tion to the planar trans­for­mers used. The high swit­ching frequen­cies are required to achieve the desired dyna­mics in the power flow. Compact solu­tions with swit­ching frequen­cies of up to 500 kHz were success­fully demons­trated. 


  • The project aimed to achieve the follo­wing objec­tives, which were achieved in all key areas: 
  • Lite­ra­ture re­search to deter­mine the state of the art in the field of high-frequency reso­nant conver­ters 
  • Construc­tion/ prepa­ra­tion of a test envi­ron­ment for high-frequency reso­nant conver­ters 
  • Deve­lop­ment of compact planar trans­for­mers for the frequency range of 500kHz and a power of 14kW in the first version and with 22.5kW in the improved industrialized version. 
  • Compa­rison of stranded wire windings with multi­layer PCB solu­tions 
  • Design of a reso­nant capa­citor board with minimal resis­tance increase due to skin and proxi­mity effects 
  • Protec­tion of voltage tolerances when opera­ting in DCX mode (opera­tion with fixed frequency) 


Exploiting the Depth: Design, Analysis, and Implementation of High-Power-Density High-Frequency Transformers for One Rack Unit CLLC DCX Converters  

Silicon Austria Labs GmbH worked on this project toge­ther with AVL List GmbH and other selected part­ners for the produc­tion of special magnetic compo­n­ents. 

Project facts

  • Project Title: BECOME
  • Program: SCR 
  • Project­leader: Hubert Berger 
  • Dura­tion: 8 months (Ending in 2021) 

Your contact person

Dr. Hubert Berger

Head of Research Unit | Instrumentation & Testing


Research program

The project falls within the scope of "SAL Cooperative Research" (SCR).

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