Advanced Sensors and Electronics Technologies

Printed electronics and their integration into smart systems can solve key issues of industries today. By enabling electronics everywhere and on everything in a resource-efficient way, the tools required for a sustainable digital transformation are provided.


  • Printed Electronics: physical sensors (force, strain, flow,…), chemical sensors, displays, energy harvesting/storage, chip integration, sustainability,…
  • Sensor Systems: integrated solutions, wireless operation, harsh environments.
  • Smart Products and Production: added benefits to products, production optimization, highly flexible I4.0 manufacturing and in-line quality control systems for various industrial areas.


We have know-how in all aspects of the printed electronics innovation process from conception to design, simulation, materials, fabrication, integration and testing. We merge these competencies with the latest technologies to realize integrated systems fully enabled through customized software and hardware solutions. Our aim is to create devices and processes that can be efficiently translated to products and smoothly integrated into systems and specific applications. Scientists from various fields work in our interdisciplinary team to be able to tackle a broad range of challenges. Our core competencies include:

  • R&D in all aspects of printed electronics systems
  • Development and integration of smart, complex electronic systems
  • Energy harvesting system developments
  • Surface modifications


  • Sustainable sensorics
  • Flexible electronics
  • Lightweight, non-obtrusive sensing
  • Quality monitoring
  • Process monitoring
  • Preventative maintenance
  • Sensing inside of rotating machines
  • Wear or damage detection
  • Harsh environment sensing
  • Transducers for medical devices

You can find more information about the team, network, publications, awards and more on the SAL research portal.

SAL Research Portal

Your contact person

Priv. Doz. Dr. Jürgen Kosel

Head of Research Unit Advanced Sensor & Electronics Technologies


Member Area