Based on the project Sustainable Photovoltaics (PVRe²), which has set itself the task of recycling and repairing old PV panels, an art project was realized together with Judith Fegerl. 9 used solar panels, some of them 20 years old, of various shapes and sizes were joined together on a knee-high metal construction. The sculpture can be seen in the Austrian Sculpture Park of the Joanneum in Premstätten.

Another perspective

The project attempts to highlight the multifaceted interaction of the various solar cells. The focus is on highlighting the downside of supposedly clean energy, such as in this case the problems associated with the production and subsequent disposal of the solar panels. In addition, numerous artistic aspects are considered in combination with technical components.

Participation of SAL

On the part of SAL, Lukas Neumaier is leading the PVRe² project. "Although photovoltaics (PV) is a sustainable way of generating energy based on renewable sources, sustainability still plays a minor role in PV module technology. By optimizing the recycling processes of PV modules, increasing the recyclability, reducing the environmental impact of PV modules and developing concepts for repairing damaged PV modules, the aim is to make electricity generation from photovoltaic systems more sustainable. In the art project with Judith Fegerl, this is vividly illustrated and visible to all," says Neumaier about the intention of the project.

Server sunset

Judith Fegerl tries with her artworks to bring to light what is often hidden behind technologies, architectures, etc. She tries to show new ways of thinking and questions functionalities. For example, the title of the sculpture "sunset" refers to the meaning of the so-called "sunset clause", which determines a time limit on the usability of, for example, technical products in advance. The sculpture "sunset" thus creates a controversial view of products that first serve man and disappear at the end of their lifetime due to their apparent uselessness.

For more information about the art project and the artist Judith Fegerl, please visit the following websites:

Austrian Sculpture Park - Art in Nature | Austrian Sculpture Park (

Judith Fegerl