Flexible working hours without core time, individual part-time models after parental leave with the option of working at home and, last but not least, unlimited employment contracts that enable long-term life planning - the top research center SAL, located in Graz, Villach and Linz, is characterized by a particularly family-friendly personnel policy and has therefore received the berufundfamilie certificate again.

“Top research needs top staff! Our employees are our top priority, because this is the only way we can achieve excellent research on a global level,” says Executive Director Gerald Murauer with conviction. “The satisfaction of people in their private environment, especially family life, ensures that they go to work with more strength, energy and motivation. Our claim and our task at SAL is therefore to create a work environment that best meets the individual needs of the employees. "

An important factor in the international recruiting of top personnel

In its founding year 2018, SAL was certified as a family-friendly employer for the first time. The number of employees has now tripled, to 200 people from 27 nations, including around 150 researchers.

Emily Knes, Head of Human Resources at SAL, knows that the family-friendliness of an employer plays an essential role in the international recruiting of experts: “At SAL, the compatibility of family and work is an integral part of the corporate philosophy - with the state quality mark, this is also visible for potential new employees. For us it is therefore an important part of employer branding. The re-certification is a chance for us to consistently expand our measures for the compatibility of work and family. "