Radar event with workshop “Next Green IoT”

Silicon Austria Labs
Silicon Austria Labs Headquarters
Sandgasse 34
8010 Graz
Thursday, 2024-05-16

We would like to invite you to our event and subsequent workshop “Next Green IoT - Green Progress and Business Opportunities” on May 16, 2024 in Graz at Silicon Austria Labs. With our newly published radar “Next Green IoT” we present the latest developments and potentials and show you the future application possibilities in different industries, with a special focus on sustainability and green technologies.

When: Thursday, 16.05.2024, 13:00 - 16:00
Where: Sandgasse 34, 8010 Graz (Silicon Austria Labs - event room on the ground floor)

Yes, I am in!

Please register by May 5 (limited number of participants)

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  • 13:00     Get-together
  • 13:15     Start & Welcome
  • 13:30     Presentation Green Tech Radar “Next Green IoT” - Stefan Wimmer| Silicon Austria Labs
  • 14:15     Break
  • 14:30     Workshop: IoT and the added value for my company
  • 16:00     End of the event

Take the opportunity to gain a knowledge advantage on the topic of Next Green IoT.

Further information on the content of the event can be found on the Green Tech Radar: Next Green IoT website.

We look forward to your participation in the workshop!


If you have any questions, please contact Gernot Eder gernot.eder@silicon-alps.at from the Silicon Alps Cluster and Markus Simbürger markus@greentech.at from Green Tech Valley.

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