ÖGV Seminar 2024

Silicon Austria Labs
SAL Villach
Europastraße 12
9524 Villach
Tuesday, 2024-06-11

The Austrian Vacuum Society (ÖGV) invites all PhD students from Austrian universities working in the field of vacuum technology and thin film development to participate in the 4th ÖGV-Seminar to share their work. Furthermore, all other interested persons from academia and industry are of course welcome to discuss recent findings and developments. With this one-day event we aim to bring together different groups in Austria active in the field of vacuum technology to stimulate the exchange of knowledge and to trigger potential collaborations. PhD students are invited to submit abstracts for contributions to be presented as a lecture in a focused topic format or as a poster. To allow for evaluation by the Scientific Committee, the abstracts (max. 175 words) should clearly outline the aim of the work and the methods employed, as well as the major results and conclusions.

Plenary lecture

Working on Venus - Why we won't send Silicon Carbide to space although it would be the perfect semiconductor
Prof. Carl-Mikael Zetterling, Head of Division of Electronics and Embedded Systems, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden


  • Date & Place: 11 June 2024, SAL Villach, Europastraße 12, 9524 Villach
  • Topical sessions from 9 am to 5 pm with lunch break
  • Lab and cleanroom window tour at SAL Villach on 10 June 2024, 4 pm
  • Meeting point for dinner: 10 June 2024 6:30 pm, Restaurant Stadtwirt, Italiener Straße 14, 9500 Villach
  • Conference fee: 110 €
  • Abstracts & questions: oegv@iap.tuwien.ac.at | Please mention if you are joining the lab tour and/or the dinner

This event is organized by the Austrian Vacuum Society and Silicon Austria Labs. Sponsored by Pfeiffer Vacuum, VIDEKO EDWARDS, evatec, Kurt J. Lesker Company und Kashiyama Vacuum Solutions.

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