Villach, 19.10.2023 – With an area of 1,100 m2, SAL’s new cleanroom provides space for innovative research and development of state-of-the-art technologies. The official inauguration of the cleanroom at the research site in Villach took place in the presence of numerous high-profile guests from politics and economy, among those Henriette Spyra, Head of Directorate General III for Innovation and Technology at the Ministry of Climate Action, Gaby Schaunig, Deputy Governor of Carinthia, Günther Albel, Mayor of Villach, and Christina Hirschl, CEO of Silicon Austria Labs.

 “Opening the new SAL cleanroom is an important step in the development of the research center at the site in Villach. Cleanrooms are indispensable for making progress in microelectronics, as they provide a controlled environment for precise and clean processes. Scientists and engineers can use this environment to test and optimize new materials, techniques and processes,” states Henriette Spyra, Head of Directorate General III for Innovation and Technology at the Federal Ministry of Climate Action.

Cleanroom for research and industry

The new research cleanroom encompasses a total area of 1,100 m2 and can not only be used as a sterile environment for the research and development of innovative technologies by the researchers of SAL’s Micro Nano Fabrication Center, but also by industrial partners who do not have their own cleanroom for small series productions. This way, SAL is positioned on the interface between research development and series production.

“The projects that have been successfully implemented at all SAL locations over the past years show how important the collaboration between scientists and the economy is, allowing new industrial standards to be set. The new cleanroom in Villach is another big step forward for SAL. Now our teams who are working in the labs and our industrial partners can profit from optimal conditions to conduct research on semiconductors, test new materials and develop prototypes,” shares Christina Hirschl, CEO of Silicon Austria Labs.

Research location with international impact

Gaby Schaunig, Deputy Governor of Carinthia, emphasizes the crucial role SAL plays for the region: “With SAL we have a top research center in our midst in Carinthia, that does not only collaborate closely with Carinthian leading companies, but also supports small and medium-sized businesses in their research and development. The new cleanroom is of utmost importance for Austria as an innovation location. ‘Project SAL’ was only feasible because several strong partners – the State, the provinces of Carinthia, Styria and Upper Austria and the industry – were ready to realize this endeavor together, as the future can only be shaped successfully through cooperation and innovation.”

Günther Albel, Mayor of Villach, is proud of the new research cleanroom: “This investment strengthens the city of Villach as a location for research and technology, not only as a dynamic high-tech hub within Austria, but far beyond the borders too. We are proud to facilitate Austria’s biggest cleanroom within the tpv Technology Park Villach. This infrastructure will advance local top research.”

Video: SAL MicroFab

Factsheet: Background information about the SAL MicroFab

About Silicon Austria Labs (SAL)

Silicon Austria Labs GmbH (SAL) was founded in 2018 as part of the Euro­pean Forum Alpbach as a cross-state, non-univer­sity center of excel­lence in the field of elec­tro­nic based systems. At its loca­tions in Graz, Villach and Linz, re­search is conducted on key tech­no­lo­gies in the fields of Micro­sys­tems, Sensor Systems, Power Elec­tro­nics, Intel­li­gent Wire­less Systems and Embedded Systems. SAL brings toge­ther key players from industry and science and thus valuable exper­tise and know-how, and conducts coope­ra­tive, appli­ca­tion-oriented re­search along the value chain. The aim is to acce­le­rate the value crea­tion process from idea to inno­va­tion – with excel­lent re­search and economic bene­fits. Owners are the Repu­blic of Austria (50.1%), the Provinces of Styria and Carin­thia (10% each), the Province of Upper Austria (4.95%) and the Profes­sional Asso­cia­tion for the Electrical and Elec­tro­nics Industry (24.95%).


Silicon Austria Labs GmbH
Isabella Preuer, BA BA MA
Head of Communications & PR  
+43 664 832 97 73